(+420) 226 523 777

Modern product for railways

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Device ensuring smooth movement of switches without the need for slide plate lubrication.

About Ekoslide

Ekoslide is a product for railways and sidings assuring rail switching without the necessity of slide plate lubrication. Use of Ekoslide brings about a number of benefits and considerable cost savings. There are several product series differing in the method of function and installation, with identical function and benefits.

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Our Plant in the town of Dalovice

About our Company

The Ekoslide s.r.o. is internationally active company from Czech Republic. Ekoslide develops, manufactures and sells its own patented roller system. We  have been perfecting our product for 25 years now and during this time we were able to grow from the initial idea to multiple product variations. Our focus is on quality and we work hard to maintain the certification that ensures the highest standards.

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More than 240 000 pcs of EKOSLIDE are operating in switches all over the world. You can find our product in more than 30 countries.

Europe map

Business representation

The company cooperates with other subjects on foreign markets. These subject are a long term partners to Ekoslide. They are proven, taught and competent to install or service Ekoslide products.

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Projekt: „Rozvoj exportního potenciálu společnosti EKOSLIDE s.r.o.“ je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness