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Ekoslide is a product for railways and sidings assuring rail switching without the necessity of slide plate lubrication. Use of Ekoslide brings about a number of benefits and considerable cost savings. There are several product series differing in the method of function and installation, with identical function and benefits.

Advantages of Ekoslide system

  • Economical payback during the 5 year warranty
  • Lifetime of EKOSLIDE is 25 years
  • Reliable in all climate and operating conditions
  • Useable in all types of switches
  • Simple and easy to install
  • Nearly maintenance free operation
  • No changes to switch construction
  • Improves switch operation
  • Saves men power needed in the field - increased work safety
  • Savings on lubrication, no contamination of rail bottom
  • Decreases power needs for switch movement

Type lines of EKOSLIDE

Ekoslide Type A

Ekoslide Type A

EKOSLIDE type A is universal for all rail types and switches with slide plates height above 25mm.

Ekoslide type B

Ekoslide type B

EKOSLIDE type B is modified for specific rail type in switches for slide plate geight lower than 25mm.

Ekoslide type C

Ekoslide type C

EKODLIDE type C is fixed on the switches tongue, adapted to switch construction.

Ekoslide divided by function

Ekoslide Support

Ekoslide Support

EKOSLIDE support with one adjustable and spring loaded roller for both tongue positions.

Ekoslide Basic

Ekoslide Basic

EKOSLIDE basic with two rollers, where the first is spring loaded and adjustable. The second one isn’t spring loaded but adjustable for outlying tongue position. 

Example of installation

Animated installation of EKOSLIDE type A to switch and its correct initial settings.

Spring block

Spring block

Serves to rollers springing in closed tongue position during the train passing. Spring block is maintenance-free in stainless steel design and special Elastomer. Useable in all weather and operating conditions in temperature range ±60°C.

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Projekt: „Rozvoj exportního potenciálu společnosti EKOSLIDE s.r.o.“ je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness